Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Monday, October 17, 2011

BLACK ROSE | Super HAIR TONIC | New Improved

5Hair Therapies in on Formula Makes Hair 2X Stronger Reduces/ Repair Split ends With vitamin E and Silk Proteins Additional Herbal Extracts Helps to Fix frizzy Hair Available in: 150 ml & 220...

MAKRO | SUMMER END Sale | Upto 70% OFF

MAKRO welcomes you to the BIGGEST SALE in town on unlimited choices, all under one roof Enjoy amazing discounts on more than 3000 products From 16-31October, 201...

Zipex Lubricants & Pakistan | Thank You Indonesia

Thank you Indonesia Zipex Lubricants and the people of Pakistan would like to extend their gratitude to the Indonesian Medical team and The Government of Indonesia for their untiring efforts in helping...

da Vinci Surgery

We deliver what’s next PHILIPS: sense and simplicity STORZ: KARLSTORZ - ENDOSKOPE KLS martin: Group Thompson: SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. INC. Bringing all solutions at your door step Courtesy by:...

da Vinci Surgical System | ROBOTIC SURGERY

Taking Surgicalprecision beyond the limits of the human handImproved Patient OutcomesExcellentcancer control, where indicatedLessblood loss and transfusionsShortenedhospital stayLesspainLowrisk of infection,...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

International Education Expo 2011

Study in UK | Free Entry with your documents The Most Loved Destination for International Students For ON SPOT application please bring copies of all educational documents Karachi – Pearl Continental...

Global Hand Washing Day | Clean Hands Save Lives

StayingHealthy is Very EasyHere is a tip toprotect yourself from Diarrhea, Acute Respiratory Infections.Pneumonia and manyother gastric diseases – an amazingly easy tip to stay healthWashyour hands properly...
1:42 PMUsman Aziz

State Life Insurance | Committee Policy

State Life NowIntroducing A New Insurance PolicySTATE LIFE Committee PolicySavings, Senseof Security and Peace of MindTailored to meet yourshort term financial needs:3and 5 years short term policies.Agelimit...

JS Investments | Invest in JS Cash Fund

A MONEY MARKET FUNDPRIMARILYINVESTS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIESAnnualized ReturnsFY11:12.01%FY12YTD: 12.48%Forthose who appreciate the Time Value of MoneyBetter expected returns compared to Bank AccontsNo...